What to do in Fayoum

How can i Enjoy my time in Fayoum? 

we will take you in a quick tour in Fayoum and tell you the details ,how to go ?,where to stay?,places to see.

First some historical information :

payom is the original name of Fayoum ,payom means Water lake ,
which was later distorted in the Coptic ages to become Fayoum ..
Fayoum is one of the oldest Egyptian cities at all,
It goes back to the era of the early Pharaohs,  

Fayoum is located in northern Upper Egypt and divided into two halves,
from the center by the "Sea of ​​Joseph".
Just one hour drive from Cairo.

Places to visit in Fayoum :

Qarun lake, Qarun palace, Hanging mosque, Wadi Elrayan, Magic lake, Hawara,
Tunis village,payom village.

Best visit time :

The autumn is the best time to visit,
not just the climate, but at this time you will be able to see migratory birds, especially quail and wild ducks,
where you can also hunt in the Lake Qarun region. But this does not prevent you from visiting the city throughout the year.
The atmosphere is mild and provides comfort and optimism, but temperatures may rise in July and August.


Wadi Elrayan and the magic lake :

water is fresh and not salty and located in a spectacular scene that attracts the sight,The water reaches the Magic lake from beneath the granules of the sand,The lake is surrounded by the Al-Mashajijah Mountain, an area of ​​a charming nature.This mountain has a panoramic view of Wadi Rayan.where it has unique sand and sand dunes that are soft and deep and varied in shapes and sizes.
You can Enjoy Sand boarding ,swimming ,horse back-riding .


Qarun palace
The Palace was built in the Ptolemaic era and is considered an archeological temple dedicated to worshiping the god Sobek Dionysius,
the Roman goddess of love and wine,the ancient city of Denisios located south of Lake Qarun.
There are several rooms in the palace with great murals, most of them related to the sun worship,
several coins, a Roman bath, some old household items and pottery.
It also contains part of a small Roman fortress with nine towers surrounded by a wall with an iron door.
The palace consists of two very large doors leading to a room called the Holy of Holies, which contains three compartments,
one of which is the statues and the third of the Holy Compound.
One of the important things that discovered was that the sun was rises toward the Holy of Holies each year on the same day December 21 each year.

 To be continue .......
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Reasonable theory for pyramid building mystery

The secret of building the pyramids, and how the 2.6 million pieces of stone are stuck without cement!

Stones and blocks weighing between 2.5 and 15 tons,the weight of a piece in the roof of the tomb of one of the kings 70 tons ,
which is equivalent to the weight of a railway locomotive.
That's why pyramid building is a mystery,
How did those stones be raised?
Note that the height of the Great Pyramid reaches 149.4 meters,
146 meters, or a skyscraper of 48 floors! It is the highest building in the world for 4,500 years,

Pyramid building mystery

All of this was covered with Limestone then coated with drawings and paints of gold ,
scientist say that the reflection of sunlight on the pyramids can be seen from the moon,But the earthquake in 13th century took it down.

The strange thing for me was not how did they build the pyramid , inside the pyramid the room which you find the tomb of the king,
The sealing of this room is just one block of smooth granite weight 70 tons no mind can explain?!!!
Why there are no status for this king Khufu found in any place near the pyramids?!

What is the relation between the height of the pyramid and the distance between the earth and the sun?
The height of the pyramid is 149.4 meters and the distance between the earth and the sun is 149.4 million km!

pyramid in the middle of the five continents exactly.

What is the relation of the pyramid to the magnetic north
And how the pyramid is destined for the four directions east, west, south and north
And not any north is the magnetic north, which deviates from the geographical north by four degrees!
How far pharouhs knew mathimatics,Astronomy

Here is the most Reasonable theory for pyramid building mystery,

The nanotechnology has proved that there are quantities of water in the pyramids.
 X-rays have shown that there are air bubbles in the samples of the stones taken, such as the moisture in the air,
and the latter may have been formed during the casting of stones from mud.
Treatment - Not usually found in natural stones and traditional sedimentary rocks.

Joseph Davidovits is a French scientist and chemist,
More info about Davidovits,
with a number of researchs in French and German universities in chemistry,
a high-class academic man. He received a number of awards for his scientific achievements,
the greatest of which was his contribution to a new branch of chemistry known as Geopolymer.

Davidovits saw that the stones of the pyramid were not cut into one piece,
but they were made of lime, sodium carbonate and other materials in wooden molds.
He presented four theories to his theory. Scientific proof. And empirical proof where he made similar stones,
a third religious proof based on ancient Egyptian doctrine and a fourth proof inspired by hieroglyphic texts.

After several experiments in the laboratory,
He was able to produce a stone mold similar to the pyramids, which were chemically installed.

To come to the subject of the convergence of the adjacent stones, which denies that they were brought and then sculpted,
and the most realistic and intelligent possibility that the clay poured in wooden blocks compact and reusable, came the forms of stones are similar,
and after casting was to heat it's role,
a method known in the old construction of ovens or stoves For the manufacture of clay statues mixed with minerals and some natural materials,
after igniting the fire until it harden and freeze.
Although this discovery, which has been in the shadows since 1981,
was rediscovered in 2006 by sophisticated laboratory tests that do not doubt it, Egyptian scientists rejected the Davidovits theory.!!!!
It's very strange to reject such a theory ,even so there are still many questions with no answers around the pyramids  as we had passed by in this post ,so it's still a great wonder for all the world solving how it was built will not effect that.

يقول الله تعالى: «وقال فرعون يا أيها الملأ ما علمت لكم من إله غيري فأوقد لي يا هامان على الطين فاجعل لي صرحاً لعلي أطلع إلى إله موسى

Quran Say : "And Pharaoh said, O public, I have not taught you of any God other than me, O Haman, Light fire on the clay,and make me a monument that I may raise to the God of Moses ..."
so the Quran here gave us the same idea of building a very high monument ...
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Dahab a City you must visit

Dahab is an unforgettable tourist experience. A journey that combines adventure and pleasure. 

Diving in the depths of the Canyon cave.
The charm of the "Blue Hole" attracts tourists from all over the world. Experience the safari at night in the desert.

Dahab Blue Hole

Dahab in Arabic mean's Gold.


It is said that when the sun sets,the color of the water becomes golden from the intensity of purity and clarity, and there are those who say that it is called by this name in relation to its golden sand,

Dahab Climate:
Asian climate The city's average temperature throughout the year is 29 degrees Celsius.
 The city of Dahab is a wonderful winter. It is considered a fun place where the weather is nice and the sun is bright.
 The average sun brightness in the city is about 10 hours a day.

Dahab beach

Accommodation in Dahab:

 Accommodation and prices are suitable for all categories of the community,
 whether hotels ranging from 4 to 2 stars, and the city contains a number of tourist villages of varying levels,
 and many camps to be the preferred accommodation for young people when they visit the city.


 Dahab, its refreshing atmosphere and its yellow sand are ideal for yoga, meditation, and there are yoga classes in Dahab.


 Sport is wonderful and beautiful and there are centers of learning to jump parachutes of all kinds.

Surf Sports

 Dahab is the right place to play this fun sport on sailing boards, sailing planes, and there are also paddle boats, water bikes and rowing boats.

rock climbing

Dahab is also famous for its sport, where you can go to Wadi Jannay and enjoy the fun rock climbing.


Be adventurous, but this time in the depths of the desert, take a safari-driven safari ride to see the magnificent mountainous areas,
such as the white forest of Farafra and the vast sand dunes.

The Friday Market

Friday market in Dahab


A Market work in Dahab every Friday, people who stay there or foreigners are the ones who Make all kinds of food themselves,
and then sell to visitors, and there is also not only food  ..
But you will find accessories you can buy at very nice prices.
so peaceful as you can see the dog sleeping in the picture.

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Cats in the Pharouah land

Cats were known in ancient Egypt as "Mao" and had an important place in ancient Egyptian society.

Mao Egyptian cat

Ancient Egyptian had been sanctifying cats,
so they frequently appeared on Pharaonic temples and they called it goddess "Bastet" and was a symbol of fertility, love, tenderness and protection for pregnant women.

The predatory face was of the predatory goddess Sekhmet,
which took the form of the lioness and was the other angry face of Bastit.
In some texts the name "pastet" is accompanied by a figurative symbol like a cat sitting in the house.


Based on recent DNA comparisons of living species,
it is estimated that cats were first reintroduced about 10,000 years ago and thousands of years later,
the ancient Egyptian religion became related to animals, including cats.
Because of its insect control and ability to kill snakes like cobra,
the domesticated cat became a symbol of grace and balance. Then, over time,
its deity became protection, fertility, and motherhood
As an important sacred animal in Egyptian society and religion,
some cats received the same embalming after death as humans. In 1888,
an Egyptian farmer discovered a large tomb of about 80,000 mummified cats,
near the town of Bani Hassan,
believed to have been plowed after 1000 BC.
Jennifer Crochema, head of the research team at the University of California Davis,
that all cat breeds that exist in the world from the original origin of Pharaonic Egypt,
and that the Pharaohs are the first to succeed in the hybridization of cats
The killing of cats was a crime punishable by the laws of ancient Egypt with the most severe punishments,
The ancient Egyptian had a great respect for cats,
and the historian Herodotus said that when the death of the cat,
the owner shaved eyebrows hair to express grief and pain.

Battle of Pelusium

Cats army:

When Qambiz II of Persia declared war against the Egyptians in the Battle of Pelusium in 525 BC, he used cats in that battle.
Cats had a sacred place in the ancient Egyptian civilization and the death penalty was imposed,
and this is what the Persians sought to use against the Egyptians.
He ordered his men to paint the cats on their armor and brought hundreds of cats to the first ranks of the army.
The plan succeeded in rejecting the Egyptians for fear of the death penalty;

Little known secrets of the key of life

Ankh or the Key of life Secrets

Egyptology call it the key of life.
It represents the elements of male and female life in a proper formality and a symbol of the fact that the fruitful union is a gift from God.
Why did they draw it in almost all the temples and tombs ?
What did they want us to know about? 

Key of life

 Ancient medicine.

It is said that the ancient Egyptians used the key of life in medicine which takes the character of magic, they called it then the veil and thought it has the ability to give power and life and protect from evil,and they use this key made of metal to deal with bites of snakes and scorpions ..They believed that the toxin could be stopped by placing it for a fixed period on the sting, while old doctors used it to relieve pain and used it as an antibiotic in some cases.

What about modern science ?


Modern Medicine (Energy Therapy).

Based on modern scientific evidence, scientists have recognized that the symbol of the key "Ankh",
is the only geometric shape capable of reorganizing and renewing energy in the place where it is located,

American physicist Walter Bowman Russell,
Came to the conclusion that the universe was created and developed because of the interaction between two main energies,
the Electric energy versus the magnetic energy.
 Did Walter Bowmen Russell get his idea from the pharaohs?,let's check this out.

 tesla key of life

Nikola Tesla Serbian American inventor (1856-1943),
"the greatest electrical engineer in history",
as some have said about him, and his success in transmitting power wireless in several separate experiments.
When two light-emitting gas lamps were lit without wires depending on the magnetic field of the AC

It is a symbol of the balance between the two energies, That's why it is mainly used in the science of energy therapy,
which is an essential tool to control the vital energy of some patients,
many people put the key to life in their homes it helps to spread electromagnetic energy Balanced in the place where it is placed,
and this energy positively affect the behavior and temperament of the people present and feel comfortable.
Lets get back to the pharaohs meaning for the key of life .
Pharaohs in their science that electricity is the sun energy,
which they considered masculine, Magnetism is the energy of the moon and the feminine,
and found that life arose as a result of the balance and interaction between them.
At last Ankh or the Key of life not all secrets revealed about it ,was a symbol of eternal life among the ancient Egyptians, was used by the Egyptians Pharaohs as a symbol of life after death,
and was carried by the gods and the kings of the Pharaohs.
get my advice and keep one with you and tell me how you feel?.

Environmental hotels in Siwa Egypt

What is Environmental hotels?

Most of this hotels in Siwa oasis is built from bricks made of a mix from salt and clay,they depend on solar system for electricity ,some don't have electricity, they have there own farms to get organic vegetables and fruits ,they are all beautiful and by the lake view,with a landscape that can't be forgotten.

lake view in siwa
Taziry Eco-lodge Siwa it's a Moroccan style with no Electricity

taziry siwa

taziry siwa dining room

taziry siwa room
Talist Eco-lodge works with solar system ,owned by madame Nabila and her family she cook by herself  
Talist lodge

Talist bedroom

food at talist

Adrere Amellal,One of the strangest hotel on earth all made of salt ,walls and beds with no electricity ,and one of the expensive hotels
More details about Adrere Amellal in this post

Adrere bedroom

Adrere Amellal

Adrere Amellal 1

Relax time

Adrere Amellal 2

Now it's time to visit to know more about the secret land of Siwa

Middle east charming city


Sunset oasis

Usher in Siwa


One of the most beautiful isolated palaces in the world,

All what you need is to visit Siwa oasis one time and you will be enchanted,

You may decide to stay there forever,away from the crowded cities,cars,noises,pollution.


  Where is Siwa located?

Siwa Oasis is located in the beautiful Egypt,
specifically in the Egyptian Sea Sand in the Western Desert.
The Siwa Oasis is about 560 km2 from the capital city of Cairo.
Libya is about 50 km2 away.
It is about 300 km2 from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, towards Marsa Matruh from the south west.
This oasis is administratively subordinate to Marsa Matruh.

How can i go from Cairo?

book the Siwa bus called West and Central Delta Company,
From Almaza station or Abdel Moneim Riad station,
the ticket is nearly 150 LE, and the buses depart every Saturday, Monday and Thursday, at 12 o'clock at night,
 the ride take from 12 to 13 hours,three stops to rest and have something to drink on the way.

Salt lake in Siwa

What can i do in Siwa?

 Amun temple and Mountain of the Dead,in which mummies and tombs of the twenty-sixth family and other times of the Romans,
The ancient city of Siwa (Shali Gali) and a cemetery is said to be Alexander the Great buried in.
Mountain of the dead

Sand skiing

In addition to the above, Siwa Oasis is characterized by sand skiing ,safari trips and its salt lakes
It also has natural healing centers,Dekror Mountain is famous for the healing properties of its hot sand,
and is known for being an enormous source of red pigment used in Sioux pottery.
People from all over Egypt and the world flock to this mountain during the summer to have hot sand baths to cure rheumatism.
The sand bath takes about 20 minutes, where the person is buried to the neck in the hot sand;
this process is repeated for any part of the body for periods ranging from 3 to 5 days.
hot sand healing
Most of houses in Siwa is made of Salt stones from saline and silt lakes,Shali "is the largest city in the oasis,
and in the middle of it the visitor finds" Shali Palace ",
and from there takes you the sand pathways to the" Temple of Revelation "
visited by Alexander the Great one day seeking the advice of the priest.

Shali castle

Oldest cave in the world

The beautiful Egypt land of many secrets.

Sonnur cave, one of the oldest caves in the world,

scientist say it goes back to 40 million years,its located in the city of bani swaif in Egypt,
Lets see some photos from inside.



Sonnur Valley is characterized by its unique geological formations and its rare (crescent) shape.
It is an ideal phenomenon for the integrated karst and crystalline limestone formations,
which has added gravity and beautiful beauty to the rare earth formations.
It is also a typical cave Rarely precipitated calcium carbonate in its various forms,
which result from the factors of erosion (karst),
which is one of the cave of the most rare manifestations in the world,
a cave of nature ranging from 36 to 40 million years in ancient times,
On the The gypsum of the Eocene gypsum located in Mount Sonnur.
What can we know if there were more researches in this cave? 
 A Cave from 40 million years open many questions.
When was earth created?? ,I guess this is one of them ... share your questions in our comment lets get involved in thoughts.

Our story

is the homeland that her name enchants as soon as its mentioned in front of you,
it is enough to close your eyes, and long in your wonderful imagination ,
to imagine yourself wandering in its streets and alleys, smelling the smell of originality and origin,and the depth of civilization spanning thousands of years, But it is the state of history and civilization,,and this is indicative of the depth of the existence of Egypt through the long history, which abounds with the stories of the prophets Peace and prayer, and ancient Pharaonic civilization.
Because Egypt has been and remains the country of archeology and history,
it contains traces of the greatest effects of human heritage,
which really deserve to be one of the wonders of the world.
Egypt with its grand pyramids, its great horses and many statues represent an open museum to the world.
With all its value represents a great value, and witness to a great civilization remaining.
"Video made by the Egyptian ministry of tourism"