Showing posts with label Pharaoh_Cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pharaoh_Cats. Show all posts

Cats in the Pharouah land

Cats were known in ancient Egypt as "Mao" and had an important place in ancient Egyptian society.

Mao Egyptian cat

Ancient Egyptian had been sanctifying cats,
so they frequently appeared on Pharaonic temples and they called it goddess "Bastet" and was a symbol of fertility, love, tenderness and protection for pregnant women.

The predatory face was of the predatory goddess Sekhmet,
which took the form of the lioness and was the other angry face of Bastit.
In some texts the name "pastet" is accompanied by a figurative symbol like a cat sitting in the house.


Based on recent DNA comparisons of living species,
it is estimated that cats were first reintroduced about 10,000 years ago and thousands of years later,
the ancient Egyptian religion became related to animals, including cats.
Because of its insect control and ability to kill snakes like cobra,
the domesticated cat became a symbol of grace and balance. Then, over time,
its deity became protection, fertility, and motherhood
As an important sacred animal in Egyptian society and religion,
some cats received the same embalming after death as humans. In 1888,
an Egyptian farmer discovered a large tomb of about 80,000 mummified cats,
near the town of Bani Hassan,
believed to have been plowed after 1000 BC.
Jennifer Crochema, head of the research team at the University of California Davis,
that all cat breeds that exist in the world from the original origin of Pharaonic Egypt,
and that the Pharaohs are the first to succeed in the hybridization of cats
The killing of cats was a crime punishable by the laws of ancient Egypt with the most severe punishments,
The ancient Egyptian had a great respect for cats,
and the historian Herodotus said that when the death of the cat,
the owner shaved eyebrows hair to express grief and pain.

Battle of Pelusium

Cats army:

When Qambiz II of Persia declared war against the Egyptians in the Battle of Pelusium in 525 BC, he used cats in that battle.
Cats had a sacred place in the ancient Egyptian civilization and the death penalty was imposed,
and this is what the Persians sought to use against the Egyptians.
He ordered his men to paint the cats on their armor and brought hundreds of cats to the first ranks of the army.
The plan succeeded in rejecting the Egyptians for fear of the death penalty;