Little known secrets of the key of life

Ankh or the Key of life Secrets

Egyptology call it the key of life.
It represents the elements of male and female life in a proper formality and a symbol of the fact that the fruitful union is a gift from God.
Why did they draw it in almost all the temples and tombs ?
What did they want us to know about? 

Key of life

 Ancient medicine.

It is said that the ancient Egyptians used the key of life in medicine which takes the character of magic, they called it then the veil and thought it has the ability to give power and life and protect from evil,and they use this key made of metal to deal with bites of snakes and scorpions ..They believed that the toxin could be stopped by placing it for a fixed period on the sting, while old doctors used it to relieve pain and used it as an antibiotic in some cases.

What about modern science ?


Modern Medicine (Energy Therapy).

Based on modern scientific evidence, scientists have recognized that the symbol of the key "Ankh",
is the only geometric shape capable of reorganizing and renewing energy in the place where it is located,

American physicist Walter Bowman Russell,
Came to the conclusion that the universe was created and developed because of the interaction between two main energies,
the Electric energy versus the magnetic energy.
 Did Walter Bowmen Russell get his idea from the pharaohs?,let's check this out.

 tesla key of life

Nikola Tesla Serbian American inventor (1856-1943),
"the greatest electrical engineer in history",
as some have said about him, and his success in transmitting power wireless in several separate experiments.
When two light-emitting gas lamps were lit without wires depending on the magnetic field of the AC

It is a symbol of the balance between the two energies, That's why it is mainly used in the science of energy therapy,
which is an essential tool to control the vital energy of some patients,
many people put the key to life in their homes it helps to spread electromagnetic energy Balanced in the place where it is placed,
and this energy positively affect the behavior and temperament of the people present and feel comfortable.
Lets get back to the pharaohs meaning for the key of life .
Pharaohs in their science that electricity is the sun energy,
which they considered masculine, Magnetism is the energy of the moon and the feminine,
and found that life arose as a result of the balance and interaction between them.
At last Ankh or the Key of life not all secrets revealed about it ,was a symbol of eternal life among the ancient Egyptians, was used by the Egyptians Pharaohs as a symbol of life after death,
and was carried by the gods and the kings of the Pharaohs.
get my advice and keep one with you and tell me how you feel?.

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