Showing posts with label What_to_do_in_Fayoum?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What_to_do_in_Fayoum?. Show all posts

What to do in Fayoum

How can i Enjoy my time in Fayoum? 

we will take you in a quick tour in Fayoum and tell you the details ,how to go ?,where to stay?,places to see.

First some historical information :

payom is the original name of Fayoum ,payom means Water lake ,
which was later distorted in the Coptic ages to become Fayoum ..
Fayoum is one of the oldest Egyptian cities at all,
It goes back to the era of the early Pharaohs,  

Fayoum is located in northern Upper Egypt and divided into two halves,
from the center by the "Sea of ​​Joseph".
Just one hour drive from Cairo.

Places to visit in Fayoum :

Qarun lake, Qarun palace, Hanging mosque, Wadi Elrayan, Magic lake, Hawara,
Tunis village,payom village.

Best visit time :

The autumn is the best time to visit,
not just the climate, but at this time you will be able to see migratory birds, especially quail and wild ducks,
where you can also hunt in the Lake Qarun region. But this does not prevent you from visiting the city throughout the year.
The atmosphere is mild and provides comfort and optimism, but temperatures may rise in July and August.


Wadi Elrayan and the magic lake :

water is fresh and not salty and located in a spectacular scene that attracts the sight,The water reaches the Magic lake from beneath the granules of the sand,The lake is surrounded by the Al-Mashajijah Mountain, an area of ​​a charming nature.This mountain has a panoramic view of Wadi Rayan.where it has unique sand and sand dunes that are soft and deep and varied in shapes and sizes.
You can Enjoy Sand boarding ,swimming ,horse back-riding .


Qarun palace
The Palace was built in the Ptolemaic era and is considered an archeological temple dedicated to worshiping the god Sobek Dionysius,
the Roman goddess of love and wine,the ancient city of Denisios located south of Lake Qarun.
There are several rooms in the palace with great murals, most of them related to the sun worship,
several coins, a Roman bath, some old household items and pottery.
It also contains part of a small Roman fortress with nine towers surrounded by a wall with an iron door.
The palace consists of two very large doors leading to a room called the Holy of Holies, which contains three compartments,
one of which is the statues and the third of the Holy Compound.
One of the important things that discovered was that the sun was rises toward the Holy of Holies each year on the same day December 21 each year.

 To be continue .......
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