Showing posts with label fresca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fresca. Show all posts

Fresca famous candy in Alexandria

Fresca »a biscuit chips circular high mixed with fresh honey and nuts are eaten with the sound of the waves and the smell of the sea and the sunset, and is famous in Alexandria, especially in the summer.

Components :sugar and honey, flour, margarine and yeast and eggs, and vary additions whether peanuts or sesame or coconut, nuts, and sold them Gentlemen It is a circular piece of crunchy biscuits. And it features Alfresca as candy affordable ranging between half pounds and one pound. Alfresca sold on beaches and in tourist villages and places of resort, and most of the salers are Men
Watch the inspiring video for a great young man instead of complaining about not having a job he started his own work listening to his music smiling always and full of hope
الرجاء مشاهدة الفيديو الملهم لشاب عظيم بدلا من الشكوى من عدم الحصول على وظيفة بدأ عمله ببيع الفريسكا يجوب شوارع القاهره يستمع إلى موسيقاه يبتسم دائما 
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