Tutankhamun mystries

Tutankhamun ..


Which is also known as the "Child King" .. was a pharaoh of the Egyptian eighteenth family in the history of ancient Egypt, was the Pharaoh of Egypt from 1334 to 1325 BC. In the era of the modern state.His time was too short and quiet his reign has nothing imprint in the history of Egypt, but in spite of that, it took the name of the most famous names in the world overnight, thanks to the discovery of the magnificent tomb in 1922 full of treasures without any damage, and the mummy was intact nearly 3000 old.
From Tutankhamun's Tomb - Valley of the Kings in Egypt and around a century of excavation work unearthed 64 tombs and associated rooms. The famous pharaoh Tutankhamun's filled with treasure known as "KV62" burial is by far the most famous of them.

HOWARD CARTER ~ who discovered Tutankhamen's Tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt November 1922
Howard Carter who discovered Tutankhamen

Tutankhamun mystries
It was and still believed that anyone who dares to open the tomb of King Tut suffer the curse and anger, and may have been the ratification of this belief because of the sudden death of some people who entered to King Cemetery during the exploration mission, "Howard Carter!"

King Tut tomb 1922
Lady Evelyn Carnarvon; her father, the Fifth Earl of Carnarvon; archaeologist Howard Carter; Carter’s assistant.
* Lord Carnarvon, who financed the mission died in 1923 because of a mosquito bite on the cheek, and that led to blood poisoning!
The lord's dog may also died shortly after the death of his master! , It is strange that there were wounded on the cheek of the pharaoh was also coalesce and perhaps it was a mosquito bite.
- But a lot of people who entered to the cemetery did not get sick and some have lived for more than seventy years, including the daughter of Lord Carnavon, which was the first to enter the cemetery !
* The canary birds for "Howard Carter" has been eaten by snake Koprra similar to those graphics found in the cemetery
* It is said that the electric current is cut off from Cairo at the time of the grave opening!
- But of course there is no scientific evidence of a curse at the King "Tutankhamen" graveyard

توت عنخ آمون .. والذي يُعرف ايضاً بـ "الطفل الملك" .. كان أحد فراعنة الأسرة المصرية الثامنة عشر في تاريخ مصر القديم، وكان فرعون مصر من 1334 إلى 1325 ق.م. في عصر الدولة الحديثة.

كانت فترة حكمه قصيرة للغاية وهادئة إذ لم بحقق بصمة في تاريخ مصر , ولكن على الرغم من ذلك , فقد اصبح إسمه من أشهر الاسماء في العالم بين عشية وضحاها, وذلك بفضل إكتشاف مقبرته الرائعة الكاملة وكنوزه دون اي تلف عام 1922 , كما أن مومياءه كانت سليمة تماما وعمرها 3000 عام

لعنة الملك توت

كان ومايزال يعُتقد أن اي شخص يجروء على فتح قبر الملك توت يعاني ن لعنته وغضبه , وربما تم تصديق هذا الإعتقاد بسبب الموت المفاجيء لبعض الاشخاص الذين ندخلوا إلى مقبرة الملك خلال بعثة "هوارد كارتر" !

* اللورد كارنارفون الذي قام بتمويل البعثة مات سنة 1923م بسبب لدغة بعوضة على خده , والتي أدت إلى تسمم في الدم !
كما أن كلب اللورد قد توفى أيضا بعد فترة وجيزة من وفاة سيده! , والغريب ان هناك جرح على خد الفرعون إيضاً وقد إلتئم وربما كان من لدغة بعوضة.
- ولكن الكثير من الأشخاص الذين دخلوا إلى المقبرة لم يصبهم سوء وقد عاش بعضهم لأكثر من سبعين عاماً , ومنهم إبنة اللورد كارنافون , والتي كانت أول من دخل المقبرة !
 * كما أن عصافير الكناري الخاصة بـ "هوارد كارتر" قد تم إفتراساها بواسطة ثعبان كوبررا يشبه الموجود في رسومات المقبرة
* ويقُال ان التيار الكهربي قد إنقطع عن القاهرة في الوقت الذي تم فيه فتح المقبرة !
- ولكن بالطبع ليس هناك أي دليل علمي على وجود لعنة في مقبرة الملك "توت عنخ آمون

#Parties details in new year eve 2016

Parties in New year eve 2016 in Egypt
حفلات رأس السنه2016
تفاصيل وأسعار
نبدأ بالفنان الهضبه عمرو دياب
Starting with the famous world wide Amr Diab
Amr Diab will be performing his famous songs from the 80s until today at the Four Seasons Hotel Nile Plaza to ‎close the year.
Ticket prices range from LE 2200 to 3800, with ‎tickets including a five-star dinner at the hotel. The party starts at 10PM. ‎
‎ ‎
Tickets are sold at Nay booth at the Four Seasons everyday from 12 PM to 12 AM. You can also ‎reach them at 0100 3032810‎.

Four Seasons Nile Plaza
‎1089 Corniche El Nile, Cairo

سيبدأ عمرو دياب أداء أغانيه الشهيرة من 80s حتى اليوم في فندق فور سيزونز نايل بلازا لإغلاق السنة
وتتراوح أسعار التذاكر من 2200 جنيه إلى 3800، مع تذاكر بما في ذلك حفل عشاء خمس نجوم في الفندق. يبدأ الحفل في 10:00

وتباع التذاكر في فندق فور سيزونز كل يوم 12:00 حتي 00:00. يمكنك أيضا الوصول إليهم في 0100 3032810

فور سيزونز نايل بلازا
1089 كورنيش النيل، القاهرة

Tamer Hosny will be rocking the Marriott Hotel in Zamalek and ‎putting the beats on with his lively songs. ‎

Tickets prices for the party are LE1800.‎
‎ ‎
For ticket inquiries and more information about the party, the organisers can be reached at 0100 ‎‎6170063 or 0100 6017117.‎

Marriott Zamalek Hotel
‎16 Saray El Gezira Street, Cairo
سيقدم تامر حسني حفله في فندق ماريوت بالزمالك مع أغانيه حية

تذاكر أسعار للحفل هي

للاستفسار وحجز التذاكر ومزيد من المعلومات حول الحزب والمنظمين ويمكن الوصول في 0100 6170063 أو 6017117 0100.

ماريوت الزمالك فندق
16 سراى شارع الجزيرة، القاهرة

Party of the Puppets

If you are looking into spending a classic night without paying a fortune, you can still enjoy the end of the year to the tunes and songs of the King Mohamed Munir by the puppets of El Sakia Puppet Theatre.

The Sawy Culture Wheel are putting a line up of the King's best songs to play on New Year's Eve.

If you want to enjoy good music and a quirky and fun-filled performance by the puppets, you destination is The Sawy Culture Wheel.

You can buy your ticket at
El Sawy Culture Wheel

26 of July Street, Zamalek

حفل الدمى

إذا كنت تبحث في قضاء ليلة الكلاسيكية دون دفع ثروة، لا يزال بإمكانك التمتع نهاية العام على أنغام وأغاني محمد منير الملك من الدمى من الساقية مسرح عرائس في ساقية الصاوي علي أفضل أغاني الملك للعب في ليلة رأس السنة الميلادية الجديدة

إذا كنت ترغب في التمتع الموسيقى الجيدة والأداء ومتعة مليئة من الدمى، كانت الوجهة ساقية الصاوي

يمكنك شراء تذكرة الحفل الخاصة بك في
ساقية الصاوي

26 شارع يوليو، الزمالك
To be continued soon for more

Egypt Sparkle

The Ministry of Tourism announced the choice of the name "Egypt sparkle" the title of the festival hosted by at the foot of the pyramids middle of the night of 31 December in celebration of the new Gregorian year, which is organized and implemented by the United Group, and directed Egypt through which an important message to the world in that historic evening.

The head of the Governing Council of the United Group Hazem Hamada, he for the first time Egypt will take part of the world in the celebrations of the New Year reception AD which is made in several countries in conjunction relay at midnight on December 31, and transmit all global satellite stations foreign news agencies.
(all rights reserved for its perspective owner , that's why we kept it's logo to show it's designer)
أعلنت وزارة السياحة عن اختيار إسم “مصر تتلألأ” عنوانا للمهرجان الذي تقيمه عند سفح الأهرامات منتصف ليلة 31 ديسمبر الجاري إحتفالا بالعام الميلادي الجديد، والذي تنظمه وتنفذه المجموعة المتحدة، وتوجه مصر من خلاله رسالة هامة للعالم في تلك الأمسية التاريخية .

وقال رئيس مجلس إدارة المجموعة المتحدة حازم حمادة، إنه لأول مرة ستشارك مصر دول العالم في احتفالات استقبال العام الميلادي الجديد والتي تتم في عدة دول بالتزامن والتتابع عند منتصف ليل 31 ديسمبر، وتنقلها جميع المحطات الفضائية العالمية ووكالات الأنباء الأجنبية

Altahra palace

The most beautiful palace


It was built in the early twentieth century and has been  built by the Italian architect "Antonio Ashiyak" to princess "Amina Aziz" the daughter of Khedive Ismail, the mother of Mohammed Taher Pasha and was built on the Italian style and it is evident in the stairs marble and the ceiling magnificent alabaster and considered "Antonio Ashiyak" one of the greatest foreign architects who came to Egypt and is the one who designed a large group of buildings downtown such as the main branch of the Bank of Egypt Kdioip condominium old building of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tahrir Square Nasiriyah School Street "Champollion" building Raml Station, Alexandria.

Altahra palace interior

Manesterly palace

Manesterly Palace archaeological Palace is an architectural masterpiece built on an area of ​​1000 m2 on the island of Alrowda in Cairo
Manesterly Palace

It is what is left of the Construction Group has created Hassan Fouad Pasha Manesterly in (1851 m / 1267 e) which is due to his native Manster Macedonia

Manesterly Palace inside

Manesterly Palace
Manesterly Palace open area

The Egyptian government took over the palace in 1951 as a historic impact and refurbished and restored palace now hosts important cultural festivities. And it held its concerts, and has a singer Umm Kulthum Museum as Egypt receives guests from around the world.

Manesterly Palace hall

Manesterly Palace concert area

10 photos from The Beautiful Egypt

Here is 10 photos to show you how beautiful Egypt is,Mother land of the world .
أفضل 10 صور لنرى كم هي مصر جميله، أم الدنيا

Muhammad Ali mosque

Muhammad Ali Mosque is a mosque built by Muhammad Ali Pasha inside the Citadel of Saladin in the Egyptian capital; Cairo, between the period of 1830 to 1848.

This mosque is the most beautiful facilities of Muhammad Ali Pasha, and has been launched in its construction a year AH 1246 (1830) and continued to work there without interruption until the year 1265, died AH (1848) is buried, and then complete the decoration Abbas Pasha first.

Baron palace haunted or not

The Baron palace in Helioples/Egypt


Is it haunted?

Most of the rumors that have made "Baron Palace" a horror palace, hearing sound of transferring furniture between different rooms in the middle of the night, and fire that suddenly lights up in the rear courtyard of the palace suddenly extinguished , Janitor of the buildings in front of the palace says that the ghost does not appear in the palace, but at night, it does not allow anyone remain inside the palace at all costs.

Continue, saying that what is said about the existence of ghosts is true, which asserts that what happened in the year 82 where many of the passers-by saw smoke emitted from the main palace room and then entered in the box main tower of the palace, after the glow of the flames appeared soon it extinguished by itself, as if someone  switch it on and off.


This remains open question about the Baron Palace and rumors that spread around it .. why this particular building? Maybe the Baron life was unhappy, one of the main reasons that increased the stories for a hundred years.

 Baron "Empain" was born with a limp apparent in his feet that in addition to being a patient with epilepsy, and were often haunted seizures is located in the garden of his palace till the sun shine and his dog standing next to him to wake up, baron excessive rigor could not make any one of the servants to approach him except if he commands , even if he's lying on the ground unconscious. But this is with respect to Baron What about minors?

Baron_palace_ inside

Enchanted room

Why in the mystery that surrounds the house that there is in the grounds of the palace room "Baron Empain" forbids entry even on his daughter and his sister Baroness "Helena," a room of the Rosary the basement of the palace, and this room opens its doors at the entrance to the long basement that extends to the Church of the Basilica, in which Baron was buried after his death.

Baron's sister
The reasons that led to increased uncertainty is the death of the sister "Baron" -albaronh "Helena" - after falling from the balcony of the interior of her room as the Baron was sitting in his rotating room located in the south tower of the palace and couldn't manage to help her ,from that time this room stopped rotating ,then the baron started to explore the screams of his sister, and this was It is the first spark of the ghost stories that emerge from the sister of Baron personal room to his room.

Which it made the folk tales suggest that the spirit of Baroness "Helena" was of delays in Baron salvaged, which disrupted the ongoing transmission tower rotation that has not turned since then until the death of Baron himself in 1928.

While the rumors said - hearing different voices, some brawl and some screaming for the Baron and his sister, who was already dead and buried her body somewhere in the desert of Heliopolis, and since then, the people of Heliopolis district veterans believe that Baron "Empain" had succeeded after the death of his sister in the preparation of spirit to apologize for the lack of initiative quickly rescued after falling from her room and maybe not to accept the spirit of his sister's apology is introduced by depression stage eventually led to his death.

Baron palace at night
"ghost story mansion that was owned by Baron Empain"

Christmas tree hidden facts

Ever wondered when was the first Christmas tree?


The tree festival comes in ancient Egyptian history 15 Kiahk corresponding to December 24 , where she was the ancient Egyptian knows the value of the tree and consider the source of goodness and thrive That's devoted her days to celebrate the value and re-planting and other small bushes, and became Osiris tree holiday feast to do good and help the needy.

According to one Photos Osiris myth:
That Isis in her journey to search for the body and the coffin of her husband, she traced the river that brought its water to the Mediterranean waters till the shores of Lebanon (Bibilos), and found her husband's body was contained in "tamarisk"  huge tree with big leaves, and that the Queen (Astarte), liked the tree and ordered to cut it off and brought to decorate the palace, and she was tricked by Isis talent and managed to return the body of her husband inside the tree, she returned with the good, and grew crops that were dry, withered roses bloomed !!!

Every year (15 Kiahk) Egyptians celebrated in the capital, "Abydos" quite Ouseroras tree, in front of the temple would come over the trees greener installed and planted it in the middle of the field, which is packed with men, women, children and young people, the poor and vulnerable, waiting for gifts and gifts, where throwing their applications and their wishes in writing their needs on papyri, under the feet of God (Auxerre) tree, priests tried to accomplish as much as possible

The great idea of this tree festival was to serve the demands and needs of the poor hope we do that now instead of showing off how nice our tree look .

جاء في إحدى صور أسطورة إيزيس وأوزوريس :

أن إيزيس في رحلتها للبحث عن جثة وتابوت زوجها , تتبعت النهر الذي أوصلتها مياهه بمياه البحر المتوسط حتى شواطئ لبنان (بيبيلوس) , فوجدت جثة زوجها قد إحتوتها شجرة "الطرفاء" الكبيرة بأوراقها الضخمة ,
وأن الملكة (عشتروت) , قد أعجبتها الشجرة فأمرت بقطعها وإحضارها لتزيين القصر , فإحتالت عليها إيزيس بإظهار مواهبها كـ "ورت حكاو" حتى عادت بجثة زوجها إلى مصر داخل الشجرة , فعاد معها الخير , ونبتت المزروعات التي كانت جافة , وأزهرت الورود الذابلة !!!

في كل عام (15كيهك) يحتفل المصريون في العاصمة "أبيدوس" بعيد شجرة أوزروريس , أمام معبده , فيأتون بأكثر الأشجار إخضراراً لنصبها وزرعها في وسط الميدان ,
الذي يكتظ بالرجال والنساء , الأطفال والشباب , الفقراء والضعفاء , إنتظارا للهدايا والعطايا , حيث يُلقون بطلباتهم وأمنياتهم مكتوبة على الشقافات والبرديات , تحت قدمي الإله (أوزير) الشجرة , فيحققها لهم

الكهنة , قدر الإمكان

لنترك الصراعات والخلافات إذا كان هذا العيد مسيحي أو إسلامي أو مهما كان وللننظر للجانب الاسمي وهو مساعده المحتاج

Merry Christmas Egypt

Yesterday Egypt celebrated prophet Muhammad birth "Moulid Elnabi" Christians and Muslims congratulate each other today it's Christmas eve also most of the Christians in Egypt that date is only for celebration not for their Christianity but Egyptians always look for a date to celebrate and say to the world merry Christmas from Egyptian Muslims and Christians
أمس احتفلت مصر بالمولد النبوي الشريف المسيحيين والمسلمين نهنئ بعضنا البعض اليوم انها عشية عيد الميلاد أيضا معظم المسيحيين في مصر هذا التاريخ هو فقط من أجل الاحتفال ليس للمسيحية ولكن المصريين يبحثون دائما عن موعد للاحتفال ونقول لل العالم عيد ميلاد سعيد من المسلمين والمسيحيين المصريين

Egypt celebrate prophet Mohammed birth

Today Egypt is celebrating prophet Muhammad birth and it's called Mouled Alnabi.
Here you will see a short video for the king Farouk when Egypt was a kingdom attending Mouled Alnabi celebration

كل عام وانتم بخير بمناسبة المولد النبوي الشريف اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
A great song for the prophet Muhammad
To know a little about him

Do you love Egypt

Isn't it time to visit your love

Fresca famous candy in Alexandria

Fresca »a biscuit chips circular high mixed with fresh honey and nuts are eaten with the sound of the waves and the smell of the sea and the sunset, and is famous in Alexandria, especially in the summer.

Components :sugar and honey, flour, margarine and yeast and eggs, and vary additions whether peanuts or sesame or coconut, nuts, and sold them Gentlemen It is a circular piece of crunchy biscuits. And it features Alfresca as candy affordable ranging between half pounds and one pound. Alfresca sold on beaches and in tourist villages and places of resort, and most of the salers are Men
Watch the inspiring video for a great young man instead of complaining about not having a job he started his own work listening to his music smiling always and full of hope
الرجاء مشاهدة الفيديو الملهم لشاب عظيم بدلا من الشكوى من عدم الحصول على وظيفة بدأ عمله ببيع الفريسكا يجوب شوارع القاهره يستمع إلى موسيقاه يبتسم دائما 
ومليئة بالأمل

Ras Mohamed reserve

Ras Mohamed

Ras Mohamed is a nature reserve in the south of the Sinai specifically on the 12 km from Sharm el-Sheikh. Bordering the Gulf of Aqaba to the east and adjacent to the Gulf of Suez to the west. Nature Reserve was established in 1983. diving and swimming are activities popular in the Ras Mohammed.

It is located at the confluence of the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba, and represents the eastern edge of the protected Ras Mohammed wall with rocky waters of the Gulf that has the coral reefs, and there are mangrove channel that separates the semi-Ras Mohammed Baarh Island and about 250 m long. Featuring Ras Mohammed area beaches and reefs in deep water ocean to Ras Mohammed and colorful fish and sea turtles endangered and aquaculture rare, surrounded coral reefs Ras Mohammed from all marine aspects are also a configuration unique as this configuration has a significant impact on the formation of a normal life in the region are also a ground "earthquakes" collapses formation water caves below the island is also protected habitat for many birds and animals important such as: Nubian Ibex mountain areas and the types of small mammals, reptiles and insects, which appear only at night, and the protected home to many Taioralhamh like Albulchunat and gulls. The area of ​​480 km. And characterized by very hot summers and mild winters. Why announced Ras Mohammed nature reserve .... announced Ras Mohammed nature reserve as it contains a number of systems important and highly sensitive, such as ideology (coral reefs, and the environment Almngerov.obaih desert drugs, coastal Albiat represented in mud plains and the territory of salt, and the environment sea grass and The reserve of the most famous landmarks Sinai)

محمية رأس محمد

رأس محمد هي محمية طبيعية في جنوب سيناء تحديدا على بعد 12 كم من شرم الشيخ. يجاور خليج العقبة إلى ال الشرق وتجاور خليج السويس إلى الغرب. أسست محمية الطبيعية في 1983. الغوص والسباحه هي انشطه شعبية في رأس محمد.

تقع هذه المحمية عند التقاء خليج السويس وخليج العقبة، وتمثل الحافة الشرقية لمحمية رأس محمد حائطاً صخرياً مع مياه الخليج الذي توجد به الشعاب المرجانية، كما توجد قناة المانجروف التي تفصل بين شبه جزيرة رأس محمد وجزيرة البعيرة بطول حوالي 250 م. وتتميز منطقة رأس محمد بالشواطئ المرجانية الموجودة في أعماق المحيط المائى لرأس محمد والأسماك الملونة والسلاحف البحرية المهددة بالانقراض والأحياء المائية النادرة، وتحيط الشعاب المرجانية برأس محمد من كافه جوانبها البحرية كما تشكل تكوينا فريدا حيث أن هذا التكوين له الأثر الكبير في تشكيل الحياة الطبيعية بالمنطقة كما تشكل الانهيارات الأرضية "الزلازل" تكوين الكهوف المائية أسفل الجزيرة كما أن المحمية موطن للعديد من الطيور والحيوانات الهامة مثل: الوعل النوبى بالمناطق الجبلية وأنواع الثدييات الصغيرة والزواحف والحشرات والتي لا تظهر إلا بالليل ،كما أن المحمية موطن للعديد من الطيورالهامة مثل البلشونات والنوارس. وتعتبر مساحتها 480 كم. وتمتاز بطقس شديد الحرارة صيفا ومعتدل شتاء. لماذا اعلنت راس محمد محمية طبيعية....اعلنت راس محمد محمية طبيعية لما تحتوية على عدد من الأنظمة الايدلوجية الهامة وعالية الحساسية مثل (الشعب المرجانية، وبيئة المنجروف.وبيئة الادوية الصحراوية، والبئات الساحلية وتتمثل في سهول طينية واراضى ملحية، وبيئة الحشائش البحرية و هذه المحمية من أشهر معالم سيناء)