The black magnetic pyramid

Ben Ben pyramid is the black magnetic pyramid

BenBen Pyramid
Black Magnetic Pyramid
Found in Ain Shams This is a pyramid that has puzzled scientists for thousands of years and was only able to solve the mystery after their ascension into space.Where it appeared that the pyramid is made of black stone, but it is not an ordinary stone because all its components do not exist on the face of the earth.

Iron black stone does not exist except in space in space meteorites, and the other mystery appears here because it is a very hard iron stone and difficult to form and drill, but it is not difficult to break, so how was it cut with such precision in the corners and deviations, and how were its faces refined by that unique polishing?Here the third mystery overlooks, which is how these very subtle inscriptions were engraved on the sides of the pyramid, and the scientists found that it was impossible for any tool, whether ancient or recent, to carve these inscriptions, unless using a laser cutting tool.

The iron black stone composition and components enjoys transmitting positive electromagnetic energy in its surroundings that makes everyone who comes close to it feels psychological comfort and extreme serenity and affects the human energy, so it removes negative energy from pain in any area of the body “is like the energy bracelet that is now worn, but a very high card affects any number, no matter how soon they are in his vicinity,” and the stone is now in the Egyptian Museum.

Ra Sun God

Ra was the sun god of the ancient Egyptians, and Ra was a god in the ancient Egyptian religion in the era of the Fifth Dynasty during the centuries 24 and 25 BC, and he was symbolized by the sun disk at noon.
 In later ages in the history of the Egyptian ruling families, (Ra) was joined to the god (Horus) to become his name "Ra-Horakhty" meaning (Ra, the Horus of Horizons) - and Horus is the falcon or the supreme and surrounding deity. Ra-Horakhty was believed to be the ruling god in all parts of the worlds: “heaven and earth” and “the underworld.” The new image of "Ra Al-Moutahid Horus" has been connected to the falcon or the grove that symbolizes Horus. In the era of the modern state that appeared between the 16th and 11th centuries B.C., the god Amun rose to prominence, fusing with Ra as a united deity, which is "Amon - Ra." During the Amarna era, the pharaoh Akhenaten suppressed the sect of Ra and the doctrine of "Amon - Ra" in favor of another religion calling for the unification of the deity of the sun itself or "the deified sun disk" - Aten, giving the deity of the sun a higher position than the abstract deities, but after the death of Akhenaten the sect of Ra regained its place.