Mysterious photos explained

Beautiful Egypt mysterious photo of the desert cones

To view this photo on Google Earth map, set coordinates: 27°22'54.59"N, 33°37'48.46"E Many stories were said about those photos, some said its a portal to another world and some said its done by Aliens, what's the story around them?
The Desert Breath

Mysterious photos explained

The Desert Breath:

Mysterious photos explained, This is the name of the project Sponsored by Orascom development company in Egypt, this land art project created by D.A.ST. Arteam. Desert Breath in the eastern sahara desert bordering the red sea in El Gouna, Egypt. The construction of Desert Breath was completed in March 1997. Can easly be reached from El Gouna by renting a car or a bicycle, just turn right from El Gouna gate and you can spot it, you can get a map and information from the library in El Gouna Best time to visit Desert Breath is sunrise early morning and before sunset.

Nefertiti symbol of true beauty


Nefertiti is the Egyptian queen who was famous for her beauty. She is known to have an elegant beauty. She has a statue that is a symbol of many women and many modern cosmetic lines. Many communities throughout the world have adopted Queen Nefertiti as a symbol of true beauty, They have declared it the most beautiful woman in the world.

Despite the disappearance of her body, but all books of ancient history about how was she so powerful queen .. "Beautiful came" This is the meaning of her name, which history forever immortal her.

Queen Nefertiti

Nefertiti is the wife of Amenhotep the fourth, Pharaoh the Eighteenth Dynasty, who changed his name after their marriage to Akhenaten, and the mother in law of Tutankhamun. 
Tut ankh Amun remains the husband of her daughter Ankh Esen Amun. Nefertiti is the only pharaoh who was the wife of Pharaoh and mother in law of  a Pharaoh and the daughter of Pharaoh.

Nefertiti symbol of beauty

In 1912, In Tel Amarna, Minya the German Egyptology Ludwig Burchardt found the Nefertiti statue in the workshop of sculptor Tuthmosis and fled to his house in Cairo's Zamalek neighborhood. He then hid it inside pottery pieces and smuggled it out of Egypt to Germany and then to Berlin.  During World War II. The soldiers stole it and took it to America. Because it was stolen from the Berlin Museum America sent it back, But to this day Germany has not responded to the Egyptian government's request that it return the statue to Egypt!!!

Nefertiti statue

Another statue of the head of Nefertiti in the Egyptian Museum, to the end of the scientists could not locate the tomb of Nefertiti, and it is believed that Tutankhamun transferred the mummy of Nefertiti and the mummy of his father Akhenaten of Tel Amarna after he became king but no one reached the cemetery .. Erasing the history of Nefertiti, but the simple information gathered about it by suggesting that it was a strong personality and beautiful form and subject.